Is there any evidence that telepathy exists?

Telepathy can be best described as the ability to communicate with others through thoughts or mental impressions rather than using the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell.
Contrary to mainstream belief, there is a ton of evidence to support the existence of telepathy.
Despite that many of the studies conducted on using telepathy, very few actually made it to the mainstream headlines.
There have been a number of studies and experiments conducted in the past in an attempt to investigate the possibility of telepathy and in this article we’re going to rewind the clock and look at some of those cases.
One of the most famous tests involves the ESP test, a game in which one player would select 1 of the 5 possible cards in the deck and the player sitting across from them would try to telepathically pick up the geometrical shape that is selected
Some of the early studies of telepathy were conducted by J.B. Rhine in the 1930s and 1940s, which showed evidence of telepathy and its mechanics. These experiments have influenced psychic and supernatural Cinema such as the TV show “Stranger Things”.
Later on J.B. Rhine created the Rhine research center in Durham, North Carolina, USA.
During a scientific study conducted in 2011 titled “Investigating paranormal phenomena: Functional brain imaging of telepathy”
Using an fMRI machine Scientists have examined the brains of famous mentalists while they were performing a telepathic task and the results were a signification activation of the right parahippocampal gyrus after a successful performance.
In 1970s there were experiments conducted called “The Ganzfeld experiments” where parapsychologists ran conclusive tests involving the sender and receiver to demonstrate Extrasensory Perception or Telepathy.
The Final outcome came back conclusive, as subjects demonstrated that the rates of success was above just a mere chance probability.
A few other studies include
  • In the 1960s and 1970s, the Soviet Union conducted a series of studies on telepathy and other psychic phenomena. The studies were led by Dr. Vladimir Raikov, and they involved the use of hypnosis to induce telepathic abilities in subjects. The results of these studies were never published in Western journals and the original findings were not publicly available.
  • In a study published in the Journal of Parapsychology in 1989, researchers attempted to replicate Rhine’s card-guessing experiments. They found that while some participants performed above chance levels.
  • A study published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies in 2003, researchers claimed to have found evidence of telepathic communication in a series of experiments involving sending and receiving simple visual images.
  • In a series of studies published in the Journal of Parapsychology in 2010, researchers attempted to test for telepathy using a method called “remote staring.” Participants in the study were seated in separate rooms and asked to stare at each other through a video link. Some participants reported feeling a sense of being stared at.
With all the evidence presented, we can conclude that ESP is a real phenomenon and its abilities just like going to the gym and working on our muscles, has real room for improvement and development.